Pi Awesome

Reference and guides to build kick ass raspberry pi projects.

View the Project on GitHub codingforentrepreneurs/Pi-Awesome

1. Install git locally from here

2. Install git on your Pi (or Linux server):

ssh pi@raspberry
sudo apt-get install git -y 

3. Set default branch name:

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

This will make our default global branch name to be main (this is important later)

4. Setup Repos Directory on your Pi (or Linux server):

sudo mkdir -p /var/repos/

5. Create www-git group and add our user to it:

sudo groupadd www-git
sudo usermod -a -G www-git $(whoami)

The command whoami will return your current logged in user. Wrapping $() around a command uses it as a argument

6. Add read, write, & execute Permissions to our new www-git group:

sudo chgrp -R www-git /var/repos/
sudo chmod -R g+rwxs /var/repos/

See all how to setup permissions here

7. Reboot

After you create a group, add a new user, and add permissions to that group, you should reboot your system.

sudo reboot

8. Create Bare Project Repo

mkdir -p /var/repos/flaskapp.git

Change flaskapp as you see fit; leaving .git – our project is merely named flaskapp so that’s how I’ll name this repo.

cd /var/repos/flaskapp.git
git init --bare

Do you want to clone another repo? Use git clone https://somewebsite.com/path/to/yourrepo . --bare

9. Create Project Working Directory on your Pi (or Linux server)::

mkdir -p /var/www/flaskapp
python3 -m venv /var/www/flaskapp

Permission errors? Check this. You should not need to use sudo if your permissions are correct.

10. Add a post-receive hook for git

This git hook allows us to trigger:

touch /var/repos/flaskapp.git/hooks/post-receive
chmod +x /var/repos/flaskapp.git/hooks/post-receive
nano /var/repos/flaskapp.git/hooks/post-receive

Within post-receive:


git --work-tree=/var/www/flaskapp/ --git-dir=/var/repos/flaskapp.git/ checkout -f
sudo supervisorctl restart flaskapp

Let’s break this post-receive file down:

11. Update run.sh

In my project, I have a run.sh that supervisor calls. I will update this command to include a requirements install step.


/var/www/flaskapp/bin/python -m pip install -r /var/www/flaskapp/requirements.txt;

exec /var/www/flaskapp/gunicorn --pid /var/www/flaskapp/flaskapp.pid --bind  --workers 4 wsgi:app

12. Clone the Remote Code to your local machine (optional)

If your code is on your server and not on your local machine, do this step.

mkdir -p /dev/flaskapp/
cd /dev/flaskapp
git clone ssh://pi@raspberry:/var/repos/flaskapp.git .

The format is git clone ssh://<user>@<ip-or-host>/path/to/repo/<your-project>.git .

13. Add Remote Repo to Local Machine

cd /dev/flaskapp
git remote add piserver ssh://pi@raspberry:/var/repos/flaskapp.git

The format is git remote add <remote-name> ssh://<user>@<ip-or-host>/path/to/repo/<your-project>.git

Do you have the correct SSH login or User Group Permissions for this host/server?

14. Pull code from Remote Repo to Local Machine:

git pull piserver main

The format is git pull <remote-name> <branch-name>

15. Make changes to Local code & commit those changes:

cd /dev/flaskapp
echo "hello world from local" > hello-world.txt

Add file

git add hello-world.txt

Commit Changes

git commit -m "Added hello-world.txt"

16. Push code from Local Machine to Remote Repo/Remote Server:

git push piserver main

The format is git push <remote-name> <branch-name>

17. Verify changes

ssh pi@raspberry
cd /var/www/flaskapp/
cat hello-world.txt

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