Pi Awesome

Reference and guides to build kick ass raspberry pi projects.

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Graceful-ish Updates of A Docker Compose Service via Git

The primary downside of using Docker Compose in production is the lack of native ability to gracefully replace services.

Kubernetes and Docker Swarm really excel at this but that adds another layer of complexity (not to mention the need for at least 2 more raspberry pis) we just do not want at this time.

Instead, let’s update our post-receive hook along with the nginx backup service to ease our transition as we upgrade services.

Update the Git post-receive Hook

The post-receive hook file was originally created here when we added the ability to push our code that includes docker-compose.yaml along with a number of other services.

The services mentioned below are defined in the load balancer portion of these guides.



git --work-tree=$WORK_DIR --git-dir=/var/repos/flaskapp.git/ checkout HEAD -f

bash "${WORK_DIR}build.sh"

Let’s move our primary post-receive commands into a new bash script in the root of our project.



DOCKER_COMPOSE_CHANGED=$(git -C /var/repos/flaskapp.git/ diff --name-only HEAD~1 HEAD | grep "docker-compose.yaml")

NGINX_GIT_CHANGED=$(git -C /var/repos/flaskapp.git/ diff --name-only HEAD~1 HEAD | grep "nginx/")
NGINX_RUNNING=$(docker ps | grep nginx)

APP_CODE_CHANGED=$(git -C /var/repos/flaskapp.git/ diff --name-only HEAD~1 HEAD | grep "app/")

    echo "Docker compose has changed, rebuilding..."
    docker-compose down
    docker-compose up -d --build

if [[ $NGINX_GIT_CHANGED ]]; then
    echo "Nginx has changed, rebuilding..."
    docker-compose down
    docker-compose up -d --build

if [[ $NGINX_RUNNING == "" ]]; then
    echo "Nginx is not running. Bringing Up"
    docker-compose up -d --build

FLASKSERVICE_RUNNING=$(docker ps | grep flaskservice)

if [[ $FLASKSERVICE_RUNNING == "" ]]; then
    echo "Flask app service is not running. Bringing Up"
    docker-compose up -d --build flaskservice dosservice tresservice
    docker-compose exec -d nginx nginx -s reload

BACKUP_SERVER_RUNNING=$(docker ps | grep backupservice)
if [[ $BACKUP_SERVER_RUNNING == "" ]]; then
    echo "Backup service is not running. Bringing Up"
    docker-compose up -d --build backupservice
    docker-compose exec -d nginx nginx -s reload

if [[ $APP_CODE_CHANGED ]]; then 
    echo "Flask service code changed, rebuilding service"
    docker-compose build flaskservice dosservice tresservice backupservice
    docker-compose stop flaskservice dosservice tresservice
    docker-compose rm -f flaskservice dosservice tresservice
    docker-compose up -d --no-deps flaskservice dosservice tresservice
    docker-compose exec -d nginx nginx -s reload
    if [[ $(docker ps | grep flaskservice) ]]; then
        echo "Flask service rebuilt and up, rebuilding backup"
        docker-compose stop backupservice
        docker-compose rm -f backupservice
        docker-compose up -d --build backupservice
        docker-compose exec -d nginx nginx -s reload

sleep 5
docker-compose exec -d nginx nginx -s reload

# # Here's an example of running tests in this recently built
# # service. This assumes you have `pytest` in `requirements.txt`
# # If the test fails, the post-hook will exit; not finishing the build.
# # If the test succeeds, the post-hook will continue with the build.
# echo "Testing..."
# TEST_RESULTS=$(docker-compose run flaskservice /app/bin/pytest -x)
# if [[ "$(echo $TEST_RESULTS)" =~ "failed" ]]; then
#     echo "Tests failed. Not finishing service update."
#     exit 400;
# fi

Be sure to run chmod +x /var/repos/flaskapp.git/hooks/post-receive and chmod +x /var/www/flaskapp/build.sh if you haven’t already.

Now just push your code and see the results.